Section 18 of 21




Describe the steps you intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives:

a)   General – all four licensing objectives (b,c,d,e)

List here steps you will take to promote all four licensing objectives together.


1. Strict implementation of challenge 25 policy

2. CCTV to be installed and 28 days recoding system

3. All staff to be trained in responsible alcohol retailing

4. Training manual will be available at the premises


b)   The prevention of crime and disorder


1. The premise license holder shall ensure that CCTV camera and recorders are installed at the premises and are of a standard acceptable to and approved by the police

2. The system shall be maintained in good working order and at all times the premise is open to the public, be fully operational covering both internal and external areas of the premises to which the public have access. All images should be stored for a minimum of 31 days

3. The CCTV views are not to be obstructed, at least one CCTV camera is to be placed near to the exit in order to capture clear facial images of all patrons leaving the premises

4. A suitable trained staff member will be able to show and provide police or council licensing officers recent data footage with the minimum delay when requested.

5. All goods, including those subject to duty payments i.e. alcohol and tobacco products will be brought from cash and carries only an invoices and they will be available upon request. All alcohol will be purchased from AWRS registered cash & carry or wholesalers.

6. No alcoholic drinks or tobacco will be purchased by the premises from unannounced sellers calling at the premises

7. All staff employed at the premises will have UK right to work status checked, once passed that stage they shall be offered employment.

8. Incident book available on premises and filled out as and when required.


c)    Public safety


1. Installation of appropriate safety equipment

2. Fire exit signs displayed

3. To comply with all current, fire, health and safety laws

4. CCTV working at all times








d) The prevention of public nuisance


1. Notice displayed asking customers to leave quietly from premises also customers will be told in person to leave quietly and not to disturb the local neighborhood

2. Strict policy in place to tell all staff not to serve alcohol to drunks at all

3. Appropriate signage will be displayed, in prominent position informing customers they are being recorded on CCTV


e) The protection of children from harm


1. A challenge 25 policy will be in force, where any person looking under the age of 25 shall be asked to prove their age when attempting to purchase alcohol and signs to this effect will be displayed at the premises. Challenge 25 posters displayed where alcohol is sold.

2. The only acceptable ID will be those with photographic identification documents; including passport, photo-card, driving license or proof of age card bearing the PASS hologram.

3. An incident/refusal log shall be kept at the premises, and made available for inspection on request to an authorised officer of the council of the police which will record the following;


a) All crimes reported at the venue

b) Any complaints received, any faults in the CCTV system

c) Any refusal of the sale of alcohol, any visit by a relevant authority

d) CAD reference number where police are called